I’m pretty sure we have the best volunteers in the world.

One great example of the quality of our volunteers rolled out with the dessert trays a couple days ago. But let me back up. We currently have about 180 hungry campers and staff to feed three times a day (plus snacks), which is no small task under ideal conditions. But for the first few days of this week, conditions were less than ideal. Turns out that the hot weather which is perfect for summer programs is really hard on refrigeration units and so our walk-in cooler conked out for a few days this week. Despite this major inconvenience, the team continued to go over and above to share the love of God through food service.

Somehow in that moment of generous creativity our food service team communicated to the campers that they are loved.

It was delightful to see the looks on the campers’ faces as the dessert trays were brought out one lunch. Our volunteer head cook had thought ahead to coordinate her plans with the program staff for the “Beach Bum” theme meal. This fun meal is a celebration of all things summery and so seeing this little teddy graham lounging on his gummy beach towel on a bed of brown sugar sand beside a sea of blue and white cake was a powerful expression of love that was not lost on the campers. Somehow in that moment of generous creativity our food service team communicated to the campers that they are loved.

There are so many stories that could be told of generous support through volunteering at camp. We have a volunteer who offered to drive up each week to mow our grass (which is a full day of work) because he knew our maintenance crew is short-handed this summer.

We have another volunteer who offered to drive boat for the first three weeks of our overnight camps, and other volunteer boat drivers who are coming to serve in this important role.

We have multiple medical professionals through the summer who give of their time and skills to provide medical care for our campers and staff. Camp couldn’t function without them!

We have volunteers who join us as cabin or program leaders and their arrival is such a breath of fresh air. They often remind us of the importance of what we’re doing when our energy levels start to drop as the weeks roll by.

So if you have ever volunteered in any capacity at Camp Crossroads – many, many thanks! Your contributions make a difference and help share the love of God with campers and staff.

If you would like more information about how to get involved in a volunteer role at Camp Crossroads, click on the Volunteer tab at the top of this page or email info@campcrossroads.com.